
My Bad

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RatedVickie's avatar

Literature Text

Running a hand through his curly medium brunette hair, Austin winked at himself in the mirror before turning his attention to his empty duffle bag. The man let out a loud sigh looking over clothes that lay across the floor and the rest that hung neatly in his closet. He would be on the road soon and had no clue what to wear.  After letting a few minutes pass, he tossed a few pairs of shorts in his bag, underwear, his ring gear and a couple of shirts. "That should be good," He thought to himself going into the bathroom to brush his teeth. The doorbell rang; Austin poked his head out, brush still in mouth. Putting down the brush and spitting the good-looking man made his way to the door as the doorbell was still ringing.

"Coming, damn." Austin murmured as he opened the door. Once upon opening up the door, a girl stood before him. She was still buzzing the doorbell, not noticing the open door. "Can I help you?"  He asked looking at the girl getting her attention. The girl looked up at Austin; she had medium toned skin, long dark hair, green eyes and features that almost took him off guard. She wore a red and black tank top, a black studded belt holding up her black skinny jeans with black and white converse to boot. She did not say anything but looking up at the man a few feet from her.  "Who the hell are you?" Austin said leaning against the door of his California home. The girl looked at him for a moment; she turned her head looking in the opposite direction before looking at Austin.

"Who do I look like?" She responded with some attitude in her voice.

"Sure as hell not a girl scout, where are the cookies?" Austin looked the girl over for a moment with a smile. "Oh I get it, you want an autograph, I'm kinda busy but for you, I can make an exception. You're kinda cute.  Wait right there." He said grabbing a pen and a piece of paper. The girl sighed tapping her foot. "What?" Austin questioned.

"I don't want your damn autograph."

"You shouldn't be talking like that, how old are you, eight?" Austin said looking up at the girl.

"I'm eleven. "

"How would I know, you all look alike to me. "He replied putting down the paper and pen.  With a slight eye roll, the girl kicked the man in the shin bringing him down to her level. She grasped his face into her hands forcing him to look at her.

"Let's try this again and let's not have a bullshit answer. Who do I look like, look closely." She said keeping Aus's gaze on her. He raised a brow before pulling away from her.

"I got nothing, but you have pretty eyes."

"Are you kidding me? Think back oh I don't know July 14th eleven years ago. Rings a bell to you?"  The girl said once again with some attitude in her voice. Austin thought for a moment, almost like a light bulb going off in his head, his eyes widened.

"Oh, it's you. What's your name again?" Austin said realizing that he was coming face to face with his own spitting image.

"You named me and you don't know my name?" The girl questioned clearly frustrated by her father's ignorance. "Here's a hint, you named me after a diva that beat you three times. How's that?"

"Jordin, right where's Karlee?" Austin questioned looking around for his ex-wife.  Jordin followed his gaze before snapping her fingers getting his attention. "What?"

"She's not here, she's on vacation, said it's time for you to watch me. You need responsibility. The least you can do seeing how, you abandoned us after I was born. Real question was where were you?" Jordin questioned brushing past the man walking inside of the house. Austin looked at her as she plopped down on his couch.

"It wasn't like that." He said as Jordin glared in his direction. "Okay, I freaked excuse fucking me. I wasn't ready."


"Sow how long do I have you for, a few days, Where's your stuff?"

"The rest of the summer, behind that one shrub." Jordin said grabbing the remote to the television channel flipping as Austin brought in her suitcase.

"Am I getting paid for this?"  Austin asked as Jordin's face etched a look of disgust as she turned to her father who was serious. "Guess not."

"I didn't believe it, but you are a jerk." She said getting to her feet; Austin holds his hands up in defense.

"Easy there, none of that; these are hard times kid. You gotta bust your ass and do what you gotta to do survive. You stay put; I gotta make a phone call." Jordin sat down on the couch with a slight eye roll. "Stop that, you're eyes are gonna get stuck like that. You don't gotta like me, but if you're walking around with my eyes, at least don't have them at the back of your head unless you're sleeping." Austin said jogging to his room pulling out his phone. "Hey, I got a problem." He said into the receiver looking around the halls at Jordin flipping channels.

"What do you mean you have a problem?" A man answered from the other end.

"Well, my daughter is here." Austin replied with a sigh running a hand through his hair.

"Your daughter being at your house isn't a problem esse. You haven't seen her in years and you call it a problem. Spend time with her and give my goddaughter some love for me."

"Carlos, I had plans, what do I do? I can't cancel them. Think you can babysit for me?" He questioned.

"No,your responsibility. Why not take her with you. You are thirty-three years old. Make time for Jordin. Be there for her. Aren't you the same guy who said, if you had a child you'd be their role model. Your whole life, you've been some other kids role model instead of your own. Rookie, do you know how bad that is? Even I send her gifts and call her. Grow up." Carlos said making himself a cup of coffee.

"I don't even know where to start"

"Try, you're sorry and work your way around that. Let me know how that goes for you. She's pretty mad at you. As she should be, she likes the aquarium, should break the ice for you. Now go spend time with her."

"She's so stubborn though." Carlos laughs on the other end. "What?"

"You have your nerve, she's just like you. See how things come back around? You're going to have a long night ahead of you. Better get to it." Carlos said hanging up.  Austin checked his phone before placing it in his pocket walking around the corner looking at Jordin.

"Wanna see your room?" Austin questioned taking the girls bags in his hands. Jordin nodded her head making it to her feet. "C'mon." He said with a slight smile, Jordin raising a brow following him to a big room with a view of the ocean. "Heard you like water and stuff, so thought you'd appreciate this." He said placing the bag down. "It's not much, but we can decorate it if ya want." Jordin looked at him then at the room plopping down on the bed. "I'll let you unpack; we'll grab a bite and go do something together before I go to work." The man said trying to smile once more.  Jordin nodding her head unpacking.

"Can I ask you a question?" Jordin questioned looking at Aus making him turn around.


"Really, why did you leave?" She questioned, Austin looked at her for a moment.

"I was scared. I shouldn't had left, I just didn't know what to do. I'm sorry. Right now it means nothing. I just want you to know, that I'll do my best to try to make at least something up to you. Just have that impression of me. All I ask." He says kneeling down.


"Just like that?"

"No, but I guess I can give you a shot." She shrugs her shoulders.

"You're gonna be one tough cookie, I figured as much." Austin said making it to his feet.

"I am my mom's daughter after all."

"That you are seed; that you are."Jordin hides a smile walking towards him; Austin pulls her towards him gently tapping the back of her neck. The girl looks up at her dad with a confused look.

"What are you doing?"She questions.

"Uhh nothing, nothing at all Jor..Din Just curious is all." He says with an innocent smile.

"Oh yeah?" She says tapping the back of his neck, Austin smiling at her.

"Yeah, see, now come on food awaits me…us. That's it us. Food awaits us." Austin said covering up with a nervous laugh happy his condition went away before she was born. Jordin nodded her head still in slightly curious to why she was being tapped behind her neck. She tapped her neck a few times herself not getting it as she followed behind.

"Austin?" Jordin said as she slowly tiptoed into her father's room finding the man in a deep slumber.

"Aus?" She questioned giving him a gentle shake on his shoulder only to have her hand swatted away. Jordin took a few steps back surveying the room. It was a big white room with plasma television hanging on the wall. There were a few pictures of him with different wrestlers such as Joey, Colt, Punk, Claudio, Carlos, Rina, Jordyn the Young Bucks and a few more.

A small smile etched across her face as she stumbled across a picture of her parents together, they looked happy. As she looked closer there was actually a picture of her at an elementary play. Finding a blow horn and a black and blue luchador mask trimmed in gold. The girl put the mask on as she walked back to Austin's bed looking the man over, his hair was a mess and he was a tad hairy in need of a shave. "Austin, get up!" She said once more just to have the man turn around to his side. "Have it your way." Slowly inching the blow horn towards his ear, Jordin pushed the button letting out a loud noise.

Austin lets out a loud scream sitting up, he turns in the direction the noise came from and let out another scream. After awhile of panting, the man takes the blow horn and mask off Jordin who wore a cheeky grin.

"About time you woke up. Uncle called and said there was a change of plans tonight." Jordin said pulling out a notepad from her back pocket of her blue jeans.  Austin rubbed the back of his head looking at her with slight confusion. "He said you'll be facing Uncle Kevin for the belt tonight…Steen not other Kevin. Ohh and he said he wants me to bring back sleazy?" Jordin questioned looking at the paper then Austin who realized who she was talking about.

"You enjoy talking to Joey?" He questioned sitting up in his bed scooting over for the girl who sat at his side.

"Yeah, he's cool. Kinda odd though but he said you're just like him so I'm scared. Why do you have a luchador mask? Are you even a luchador?" Jordin said rolling her 'rs. Austin nodded his head with a yawn.

"That I am."

"Do you even speak Spanish?" Jordin questioned looking at the mask then at Austin who looked back in her direction.

"Do you?" He asked back

Jordin looked at him for a moment with a brow raised. " ¿Es esto suficiente espanol pari ti?" She said crossing her arms and putting the mask on.

"Well played seed, well played."

"Do you have to call me that?"

"Fine I won't call you that, yesterday it was almost demon seed." He said with a laugh nudging Jordin in the arm.

"Aus?" She said looking at her father innocently.

"Yeah J?"

"Some lady said she's coming over in awhile." Jordin started to look over at her notepad from taking messages.

"What was her name?"

"Amber, she sounded kinda like, well…"

"A bitch what time she say she's coming?" Austin finished her sentence knowing his older sisters view towards everything. Jordin opened her mouth to speak but before she could answer the door bell had rang. "Take it that's her. Do me a favor and get that for me?" He asked as Jordin jumped out the bed tossed the mask off and walked out of the room.

"Sure thing, wait, who is she?" Jordin questioned poking her head out of the door as Austin tossed on a pair of jeans.

"Your Aunt…you're actual one."

"You mean I'm not related to Uncle Joey and Kevin? Is Rina really my grandma and what about Carlos?"

"Nope. But they're the closest you're going to have to a real decent family so yes."

"There was this one person at an event. Auntie Jordyn said that's camel?" She questioned making sure to get everything right. Austin burst into laughter tossing on an Edge and Christian shirt. "Uncle Justin said avoid Camel at all times and Rina rolled her eyes. I want a cool codename." Jordin said running to get the door.

"Jordin." Austin shouted out after her.

"Yeah?" She said poking out her head once more as the doorbell continued to ring.

"If I don't teach you anything, don't grow up to be a camel okay?" He said walking over with her to get the door.

"I'll make sure I won't. Can I be a penguin?" Jordin asked as they opened the door for a one Amber Blake who seemed to be flustered after waiting so long.  Amber had her dark brown hair parted to the side. A tight shirt, blue jeans and black boots.

"You are a child after my heart. Hey Am." Aus said letting his sister in who looked him and Jordin over.

"Hi and this must be Jordin." Amber said putting on a smile for Jordin who forced one on herself.

"Austin, can I go surfing?" Jordin asked wanting to get away from her Aunt as soon as possible. Aus nodded his head and pointed to a closet where he kept his many boards.

"Use a short board and be back in an hour, we got to go work." He said turning to Amber who was sitting on his couch with her legs crossed.

"Got it, if I find hermit crab can I have it too?" She asked holding the board in her arms having her swim suit underneath her clothes.

"Knock yourself out; I used to have one of those." He said with a smile.

"CHUCK!" Jordin yelled out as she headed out of the door. Amber rose to her feet as she looked at her younger brother.

"You let her call you by your name?" She asked as Austin nodded her head. "Then you just let her do whatever she wants to. You're clearly lacking responsibility and should not have a child under your watchful eye." Amber said even though Austin was known to babysit his niece and little AJ from time to time.

"Well I'm not going to say call me dad when I wasn't one to her. Besides, I'm just getting her to like me. My name isn't dad it's Austin, so therefore I'll respond to such.  I have her for the entire summer. There's nothing to do. If she wants to go surfing, she can go. Hell I might join her in awhile. I'm going to do whatever it is I have to do to make things right with her. Like it or not it doesn't matter. I love that little girl and she's going to help me be a parent. Now if you excuse me, my daughter and I have some bonding to do." Austin said with a smirk making Amber scoff as he grabbed his keys.

"Suit yourself, but when you mess up; because you will mess up best believe I will be right there to tell you about it." Amber said seeing herself out as Aus rolled his eyes catching up with Jordin who was sitting in the sand. With a smile, Aus tapped her on the shoulder sitting next to her.

"What's up kid?" He asked putting an arm around her seeing she was starting to get cold.

"Nothing, is she gone yet?"

"Yeah, she's gone. Hopefully we won't have to deal with her for awhile.  She doesn't like me too much. Never did." Aus confirmed making Jordin not her head and look up at him.

"But why, you're not that bad of a guy. Of course I thought you were but between you and me, I really wanted to meet you. You seemed really cool on TV. I actually seen you at a show but I was scared to talk to you." Jordin said scooting closer to him.

"Wish you woulda, we wouldn't be where we are right now. How about we go inside and head over to work. I have big plans for you." Austin said with a smile having Jordin match his.

"Austin is out on his feet here, Steen is laying it to him with all of this rights and lefts ohh what a clothesline taking him out." Joey said on commentary with Excalibur as they watched Austin take on Kevin Steen for the PWG title.

The French Canadian flicked off a few fans as he dropped down into the cover. "Come on Austin!!!" Jordin screamed from the front row willing Aus on as he kicked out at the count of two. "Yes, you can do this." She shouted towards him making Austin nod his head as he pulled himself up with the ropes to be dropped back down with a hard right by Steen.

"Austin Blake is in some deep shit right now Joey. Kevin is signaling for that package piledriver and securing his PWG title." Excalibur said as Kevin pulled Austin to his feet picking the smaller man up.

"Aus come on!!" Jordin said pounding the mat making Kevin laugh to himself hearing Jordin more than any of the fans. Austin would shift his bodyweight making Steen drop him down to the mat.

"Austin is out; Steen might be in for it now, Holy shit what a Superkick!" Joey said as Austin fell down to the mat after his Superkick almost taking Kevin's head off.

"Austin is down, no wait he's climbing to the top rope. He could be thinking Houston Hangover here." Excalibur said as Austin leaped into the air flipping his body in a front flip motion coming down across Steen's throat with a leg drop. "Houston Hangover!!! This crowd is on their feet." Excalibur said as Austin called Jordin into the ring.

"Get in here." He said holding the rope down for Jordin as she entered the ring. "Pin him." He said almost out of breath. Austin leaned against the turnbuckle as Jordin hooked the inside as referee Rick Knox went for the cover.

"Asking for a fan to go for the cover, this is almost shades of how Steen won the belt but with his 5 month son." Excalibur said as the crowd counted in unison.

"One…Two…..THREE!"  The fans pounded their hands on the mat as Rick handed Austin the coveted PWG title.

"Austin finally did it, I'm proud him." Joey said as Austin kneeled by Jordin putting the title on her shoulder as he was declared the new champion. Asking for a microphone, he slowly caught his breath.

"I didn't think this was going to happen." He got out completely winded. "This little girl right here is my daughter Jordin." Austin said with a smile as chants of Jordin sounded around the arena.

"I love this kid" Joey said with a cheeky grin. "She'll take after me one day."

"Sure she will Joey." Excalibur said.

"Now Jordin, how does it feel to be the first ever female and cutest PWG heavyweight champion?" Austin said holding the microphone closer to her.

"It feels really awesome!" Young Jordin said with excitement.

"I have one more question for you champ, what are you going to do?" He said with a smile. Taking the microphone into her hands, Jordin walked around the ring.

"I'm going to Disneyland with my dad!" Jordin said hugging Austin who sat her up on his shoulder.

"You heard the girl. We got Disneyland to go too. Joey Ryan you're invited so don't ask." Austin said letting Jordin climb the top turnbuckle.

"See he likes me!" Joey said standing up taking off his headset greeting Austin and Jordin towards the back as streamers fell from the ground.
I've been working on this little project for almost a month and I FINALLY got it done. I have to thank *BellaRayne *mrsericyoung *Miss-Enigma and *ThAtDaMnGooD89 for reading most of this when I first started writing this. The first three knew about this project a few minutes after we went to the movies last October. So this story takes place 11 years into the future. Aus is back working the California Indy Scene. He's not with Karlee. Now, I want you to know I do plan on keeping Aus and Karlee together so no need to fear. I repeat, I am keeping Aus and Karlee together.

Austin, Jordin and Amber belongs to me.
Jordyn belongs to *Miss-Enigma
Carlos Belmonte belongs to *BellaRayne
Rina belongs to *mrsericyoung
Justin belongs to :*ThAtDaMnGooD89
Joey Ryan belongs to Joey Meehan
Everyone plus Camel belongs to themselves.
© 2011 - 2024 RatedVickie
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xJordynary's avatar
As soon as I read Jordin going for the pin, I was like "OMG Steen and his son."
This was beautifully written, seriously. I loved watching this come to life.
Jordin is adorable, and I can't wait to see some interaction with Jordyn, if you decide to continue with blurbs from Austin's future.
I think Austin would be a great dad, even with his past lack of responsibility. <3